Friday, June 26, 2009

YAY again!!


My dearest
sukying can be teacher lu!! Perak friends.. She's coming!!!

* deng deng deng deng * shark lai liao d sound.. hihik

Congratz my dear friend!

I noe you are happy.. im damn happy for you too! hee

Oh ya!! and shyh ning too!! hee congratz!
For those who x kena.. nvm la.. dont give up ya.. be tough and be happy! ^^


  1. yesh!! new member!! haha... shyh ning go where de lei??

  2. omgomg sukying become a teacher.....good luck to all those students...T____T i bet she'll be more strict than angie leong and mdm chiang...hell...haha..XD

  3. eho,shyh ning is not going anywhere.. batu lintang, kuching nia.. ^^ her mum will be very happy cz she is not leaving.. XD

  4. kz..hiahia.. of cz lo.. she even scold us everytym i talk 2 ah tian.. sure she cant tahan when students make noise..hihik.. thats the characteristic of a teacher ba.. =p

  5. haha... then next time i send to kai yen's or shyh ning's school lo... XD
