最近心情十分糟糕。。不知道为什么。。 原因只有几个,那就是:
1. 和学长们posting.. 因为我在那里是唯一一个学妹,她们老是吩咐我做东做西,而她们则在那里谈天说地。。 还讲我, 说我做的很慢。。 当时我生气了,瞪了她一眼就走掉。。 这么厉害就自己做啦。。我不介意做这么多工,但是当我做得脸都红红,肚子一直打鼓都还没停下来时,你连理都没有理我, 只会以非常骄傲的语气说我做得慢,叫我快一点。。好失望!我一个人要拿完二三十个病人的温度,血压,脉搏和心跳叻! 一个人哦! 没累死也忙死啦。。T.T staff nurses都知道我有乖乖的做工,她们给我吃鸡排呢! ward aid也请我一片pizza..怕我太忙而忘了吃我的pizza,她帮我打包起来,叫我带回家吃。。 然后当我在做工时,staff nurse打了打我的屁股,叫我去休息,不要累坏身体。。给学长们做。。 最好!>.<
2. 不知那一个家伙惹我的哈尼生气了。。搞得他每天都坏心情。。 如果被我发现到那是哪一只家伙。。你死定了!讨厌你!害得我每天也跟着他坏心情。。 有多么多话要跟他说,有多么多故事要分享。。但是他那么伤心,我怎么能说呢? :"(
*好想要对你说我好想你哦。。 好久没见到你了。。 下次见到你不知道会不会害羞叻ho? hehe*
你要加油哦。。打败坏蛋! 子玲铁定支持你的!
我的华语有一点进步了哦~ (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Doctor ma ma wo!
Day off today but i have nothing to do.. so sesat la.. im the only one who has day off today so i cant go anywhere alone.. sigh..
Yesterday was a tough day.. Got scolded by doctor.. grrr..He asked me to get him an incopad.. but i didnt open for him.. i just gave him and he scolded me.. ask me why never open for him..he asked us why wana be a nurse, nurse should be functional..should think! then my friend laughed.. then he scold us again.. ask us we think that its funny kah? why laugh and smile.. we were like O.O! sorry la how we know wor.. T.T Then he asked me to stay with him and asked my friend to call staff nurse..He nagged a lot and gosh.. I was standing beside him and dunno what to answer.. He gets mad simply because the things that he wanted were not in the trolley.. when he asked us where is the syringe, my friend told him finish already and the staff nurse is finding.. He shouted and said dont give him such stupid rubbish reason.. and keep scolding the staff nurse and ask him dont give him that bloody trolley..
Seniors came in and he scolded them also.. they were like O.O WTH.. what is doing on?? heehee.. Then i sneaked out from that room.. Dont wana stay there and get scolded la.. so tension! but no matter how.. i stil respect him.. he is cool~ especially when he is serious.. heehee
Off again tomorrow.. can go kai kai with friend lo 2mr.. pia cny clothes.. and pia for afui la.. always ask me to buy for her nia wor.. your jie jie also pok kai liao la.. but sure thing my dear.. sure i will buy for u la.. ^^ love me? thanks.. hee
Yesterday was a tough day.. Got scolded by doctor.. grrr..He asked me to get him an incopad.. but i didnt open for him.. i just gave him and he scolded me.. ask me why never open for him..he asked us why wana be a nurse, nurse should be functional..should think! then my friend laughed.. then he scold us again.. ask us we think that its funny kah? why laugh and smile.. we were like O.O! sorry la how we know wor.. T.T Then he asked me to stay with him and asked my friend to call staff nurse..He nagged a lot and gosh.. I was standing beside him and dunno what to answer.. He gets mad simply because the things that he wanted were not in the trolley.. when he asked us where is the syringe, my friend told him finish already and the staff nurse is finding.. He shouted and said dont give him such stupid rubbish reason.. and keep scolding the staff nurse and ask him dont give him that bloody trolley..
Seniors came in and he scolded them also.. they were like O.O WTH.. what is doing on?? heehee.. Then i sneaked out from that room.. Dont wana stay there and get scolded la.. so tension! but no matter how.. i stil respect him.. he is cool~ especially when he is serious.. heehee
Off again tomorrow.. can go kai kai with friend lo 2mr.. pia cny clothes.. and pia for afui la.. always ask me to buy for her nia wor.. your jie jie also pok kai liao la.. but sure thing my dear.. sure i will buy for u la.. ^^ love me? thanks.. hee
Thursday, January 21, 2010
为什么我最近总是发脾气呢? 总是为了一点小事而生气。。开始觉得累了。。我不想当家里的ketua。。更不想当group leader。。 好压力哦。。 那天才被老师骂。。 好讨厌。。 当然不是我的错,但是不管发生什么事, 当然是我先中咯!成员没有practice procedure,我中! 成员不会做,我中! 什么都是我。。 好烦。。。回想当天我几认真的叫每位成员一定一定要练习。。 她们只是非常敷焉的答应我而已。。谁知第二天我真的是因为没有好好练习而被骂得狗血淋头。。讨厌!讲真的也是那个 讨厌鬼老师啦。。随便骂人。。。当我不知道是太生气还是伤心还是羞耻而掉下我宝贵的眼泪时, 我的成员们跑过来sayang 我。。向我道歉。。嘻嘻。。 知道为什么我要那么认真的叫你们练习了啦? hmmk..现在更加糟高,男生总是来我的家。。 虽然不是来做什么,来上网而已。。 但是如果被warden发现到。。 我就等死吧。。 你们不要在给我添麻烦了啦。。 真是好生气哦!
不管怎样,规则始终是规则。。不管我几讨厌,也要尊守。。我不高兴如果我的朋友为了一时的贪玩而犯规。。我不想见到自己的好朋友中骂。。 如果你被学校踢走, 我肯定会十万分的伤心的。。 不管平时几不认真,几顽皮, when comes to serious thing.. no means no! 不要对我撒娇,谢谢。 我不吃这一套的。。
英文老师那天叫我们讲一讲在这里认识的新朋友。。 我认真的回想从第一天到现在的朋友们。。 好想哭哦。。 认真的想了过后才发现身旁有那么多位非常疼我的朋友。。 我为了过年不能回家,哭了不知道几多公升的眼泪。。 每天在班都以泪洗脸。。 虽然你觉得有一点夸张, 当是我就是这么夸张。。 我多么多么想家你们知道吗。。 就是这时侯我的朋友们每天都安慰我,sayang我。。 她们一有回家乡就会问我想吃什么。。 她们带了好多好多食物给我哦! 有时我会觉的好幸福嘢! 嘻嘻。。
现在能会家了。。 我真的好高兴。。 因为我的朋友们咯。。 向校长说肯让我回家。。我才有家好回啊! 太感激大家了。。 <3
after all.. college life is not that bad ma.. :) without my beloved family and honey and friends.. i still have new friends to take care of me here.. so dont worry about me k? i will take good care of myself.. see you all soon in kuching oh! hee
不管怎样,规则始终是规则。。不管我几讨厌,也要尊守。。我不高兴如果我的朋友为了一时的贪玩而犯规。。我不想见到自己的好朋友中骂。。 如果你被学校踢走, 我肯定会十万分的伤心的。。 不管平时几不认真,几顽皮, when comes to serious thing.. no means no! 不要对我撒娇,谢谢。 我不吃这一套的。。
英文老师那天叫我们讲一讲在这里认识的新朋友。。 我认真的回想从第一天到现在的朋友们。。 好想哭哦。。 认真的想了过后才发现身旁有那么多位非常疼我的朋友。。 我为了过年不能回家,哭了不知道几多公升的眼泪。。 每天在班都以泪洗脸。。 虽然你觉得有一点夸张, 当是我就是这么夸张。。 我多么多么想家你们知道吗。。 就是这时侯我的朋友们每天都安慰我,sayang我。。 她们一有回家乡就会问我想吃什么。。 她们带了好多好多食物给我哦! 有时我会觉的好幸福嘢! 嘻嘻。。
现在能会家了。。 我真的好高兴。。 因为我的朋友们咯。。 向校长说肯让我回家。。我才有家好回啊! 太感激大家了。。 <3
after all.. college life is not that bad ma.. :) without my beloved family and honey and friends.. i still have new friends to take care of me here.. so dont worry about me k? i will take good care of myself.. see you all soon in kuching oh! hee
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Happy 3rd anniversary!
Dear :
You chased me during f2,
By giving me a lil teddy bear for valentine's day
But you didnt confess anything to me
Our relationship was like a lil lil bit closer than friends only
During f3,
Someone told u that im a play girl
That makes u gave up on me
and u like other girl
So am i..
I liked other guy too that time
Then we lost contact since then..
During f4,
We went for addmaths tuition together
Im still in love with that guy
But u no longer like the girl
You told me all your problems
And thats the time where we were getting closer and closer
And i told u one guy in our tuition centre is handsome
So as u.. u told me a girl is pretty
We keep on exchanging information about the handsome guy and the pretty girl XD
One day,
i told u that the guy that i used to love didnt reply my message anymore
And he doesnt like me anymore
He likes another girl
U keep on comforting me
Ask me dont be sad
And at that moment
U found out that the pretty girl is unavailable too
Both of us were sad that time..
We went to sarikei camp together
The jungle was very dark till we cant see a thing
I hold ur hand tightly because i was afraid
U sprained your ankle when u were walking with me
U took some food and searched for me when u knew that i havent took my dinner
I was the only chinese in your group
You protected me and took care of me whenever and wherever i go
Though i dont like u that time
But i can feel something
U were extraordinary caring towards me
One night
When i was cooking my supper in the middle of the night
U text me
And asked me whether u can be my bf or not
I rejected u..
Because i wana maintain this kinda relationship
I like u but i dont wana have a bf
But obviously,
Our relationship is more than just friends
And that created many troubles too
Friends started to quarrel with me
Started to think that i have neglected them
Started to think that im not the one i used to be
But im still me..
And i was really depressed that time
During f5,
Under depression
I started to beh song u
I still dont wana accept u that time
But on valentine's day
U gave me a rose
A pink rose
I took care of the rose very well
I really dont want it to die
When it finally dies
I felt very sad
Like i have lost something important
Thats the time when i realised that
I've been loving you
And i've been missing you so badly
I stayed up late
Just to make you a lil card
and telling you that
I accept you as my bf officially now
Thats 16th of february..
Our anniversary
When i accept u officially my dear
I put the card in your reference book
And asked u to read when you are home
You said u read in the car
And u smiled alone
That makes me smiled sweetly too
I know that
You are the one that im looking for
Tho you are not sensitive at all
Tho you always make me angry
Tho you spend most of your time with games
And tho people dont look up on our relationship
But here we are
This is our 3rd year now honey
We are still as stable as tembok china
I just wana say that
You are my best bf ever..
I love you honey..
Happy 3rd anniversary!
You chased me during f2,
By giving me a lil teddy bear for valentine's day
But you didnt confess anything to me
Our relationship was like a lil lil bit closer than friends only
During f3,
Someone told u that im a play girl
That makes u gave up on me
and u like other girl
So am i..
I liked other guy too that time
Then we lost contact since then..
During f4,
We went for addmaths tuition together
Im still in love with that guy
But u no longer like the girl
You told me all your problems
And thats the time where we were getting closer and closer
And i told u one guy in our tuition centre is handsome
So as u.. u told me a girl is pretty
We keep on exchanging information about the handsome guy and the pretty girl XD
One day,
i told u that the guy that i used to love didnt reply my message anymore
And he doesnt like me anymore
He likes another girl
U keep on comforting me
Ask me dont be sad
And at that moment
U found out that the pretty girl is unavailable too
Both of us were sad that time..
We went to sarikei camp together
The jungle was very dark till we cant see a thing
I hold ur hand tightly because i was afraid
U sprained your ankle when u were walking with me
U took some food and searched for me when u knew that i havent took my dinner
I was the only chinese in your group
You protected me and took care of me whenever and wherever i go
Though i dont like u that time
But i can feel something
U were extraordinary caring towards me
One night
When i was cooking my supper in the middle of the night
U text me
And asked me whether u can be my bf or not
I rejected u..
Because i wana maintain this kinda relationship
I like u but i dont wana have a bf
But obviously,
Our relationship is more than just friends
And that created many troubles too
Friends started to quarrel with me
Started to think that i have neglected them
Started to think that im not the one i used to be
But im still me..
And i was really depressed that time
During f5,
Under depression
I started to beh song u
I still dont wana accept u that time
But on valentine's day
U gave me a rose
A pink rose
I took care of the rose very well
I really dont want it to die
When it finally dies
I felt very sad
Like i have lost something important
Thats the time when i realised that
I've been loving you
And i've been missing you so badly
I stayed up late
Just to make you a lil card
and telling you that
I accept you as my bf officially now
Thats 16th of february..
Our anniversary
When i accept u officially my dear
I put the card in your reference book
And asked u to read when you are home
You said u read in the car
And u smiled alone
That makes me smiled sweetly too
I know that
You are the one that im looking for
Tho you are not sensitive at all
Tho you always make me angry
Tho you spend most of your time with games
And tho people dont look up on our relationship
But here we are
This is our 3rd year now honey
We are still as stable as tembok china
I just wana say that
You are my best bf ever..
I love you honey..
Happy 3rd anniversary!
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