Thursday, January 28, 2010

Doctor ma ma wo!

Day off today but i have nothing to do.. so sesat la.. im the only one who has day off today so i cant go anywhere alone.. sigh..

Yesterday was a tough day.. Got scolded by doctor.. grrr..He asked me to get him an incopad.. but i didnt open for him.. i just gave him and he scolded me.. ask me why never open for him..he asked us why wana be a nurse, nurse should be functional..should think! then my friend laughed.. then he scold us again.. ask us we think that its funny kah? why laugh and smile.. we were like O.O! sorry la how we know wor.. T.T Then he asked me to stay with him and asked my friend to call staff nurse..He nagged a lot and gosh.. I was standing beside him and dunno what to answer.. He gets mad simply because the things that he wanted were not in the trolley.. when he asked us where is the syringe, my friend told him finish already and the staff nurse is finding.. He shouted and said dont give him such stupid rubbish reason.. and keep scolding the staff nurse and ask him dont give him that bloody trolley..

Seniors came in and he scolded them also.. they were like O.O WTH.. what is doing on?? heehee.. Then i sneaked out from that room.. Dont wana stay there and get scolded la.. so tension! but no matter how.. i stil respect him.. he is cool~ especially when he is serious.. heehee

Off again tomorrow.. can go kai kai with friend lo 2mr.. pia cny clothes.. and pia for afui la.. always ask me to buy for her nia wor.. your jie jie also pok kai liao la.. but sure thing my dear.. sure i will buy for u la.. ^^ love me? thanks.. hee

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